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We rely heavily on sight toperceive the world, but how reliable is this visible information? Couldsomething richer and more profound lie in what escapes our immediateperception? The three artists in this exhibition explore what is behind the actof "seeing" through their unique artistic practices.


Masatoshi Mori alters our visualperception by manipulating floral imagery. At first glance, his works appear tobe beautiful photographs of flowers and plants. However, upon closerinspection, the exaggerated colors and blurred contours reveal a deliberateabstraction. His work doesn't capture obvious beauty but the potential ofcolors that emerge through artistic manipulation—an unexpected beauty thatslips into the process. He questions the idea of "beauty" assomething that can't be fully grasped through visual information alone.


Miki Ishiyama paints elusiveentities with vibrant colors and varied brushstrokes. Her strange figures seemghostly, lacking physical form. Rather than depicting invisible beingsthemselves, Ishiyama draws inspiration from poet Henri Michaux, who describedimaginary animals as though they were real. Instead of portraying divine orspiritual beings, she delves into the human psyche, which instinctivelybelieves in the unknown, using the act of painting to approach these ambiguousforms.


Yasuaki Kuroda uses fabric torepresent himself, weaving textiles which is historically a medium ofcommunication and record-keeping. His three series in the exhibition highlightthe gap between simplified perceptions of color of gardenia and the flower'sactual spectrum of nearly 100 different hues. Kuroda challenges the simplisticunderstanding that language often provides, warns against an essentialistattitude, and embraces beauty as something fluid and ever-changing.


Mori abstracts the act of"seeing" through photography, Ishiyama approaches the mentaldimension hidden within "seeing," and Kuroda exposes the limitationsinherent in "seeing." Through the perspectives of these artists, whatis behind our "seeing" is unfolded. After experiencing thisexhibition, how will we see, and what will we be seeing?


岩田智哉(The5th Floorディレクター)/ Tomoya Iwata (Director of The 5th Floor)