
∀n ∈ ℕ, ∃m > n s.t. m continues the structure (2025)

∀n ∈ ℕ, ∃m > n s.t. m continues the structure (2025)

中嶋浩子/HIroko Nakajima

h333mm×w333mm×d20mm Acrylic on wood panels

 333,333 円(税込)



このタイトルは、「終わるまで終わらない作品」というコンセプトを数学的に表現しています。数学的記述 ∀n ∈ ℕ, ∃m> n s.t. m continues the structure は、任意の自然数 nに対して、その次の段階 mが存在し、構造を継続することを意味します。この命題は、「終わり」が固定されたものではなく、常に新しい段階へとつながることを象徴しています。






  1. ボロノイ図: 空間を分割する幾何学的構造。
        各セル V(pi)V(pi​) は次のように定義されます
        V(pi)={x∈R2∣∥x−pi∥≤∥x−pj∥ ∀j≠i}
  2. 黄金比のカーブ: 調和を象徴する曲線。
        黄金比 ϕ=1+52ϕ=21+5​​ を基にカーブが生成され、空間の調和と均衡を表現しています。
  3. 色彩: 各領域の基準点が素数か合成数かによって色分けされています。
        素数 pp は以下の条件を満たす数です:
        p is prime   ⟺  ∀n∈N,1<n<p,p |∀n∈N,1<n<p,p∤n



∀n ∈ ℕ, ∃m> n s.t. m continues the structure.


This title mathematically expresses the concept of “A Work ThatNever Ends.” The mathematical statement ∀n ∈ ℕ, ∃m> n s.t. m continues the structure means that for any natural number n, there always exists a subsequent stage m that continues the structure. This proposition symbolizes that "an end" is never fixed but always leads to a new stage.

This work embodies the idea that the structures I create, as a finite being, will eventually transcend my own existence and be passed on to others, enabling continuous expansion. As such, the work rejects the notion of completion, embracing a perpetual state of change and extension.

Through the fusion of mathematical logic and visual aesthetics, this project explores the notion of "unending" structures.



This work consists of nine square panels and is structured in three layers:

  1. Voronoi Diagram: A geometric structure that divides space.
        Each cell V(pi)V(pi​) is defined as
        V(pi)={x∈R2∣∥x−pi∥≤∥x−pj∥ ∀j≠i}
  2. Golden Ratio Curves: Curves  symbolizing harmony.
        The golden ratio ϕ=1+52ϕ=21+5​​ serves as the basis for generating these curves, representing balance and aesthetic harmony in the composition.


  1. Color Scheme: Regions are colored based on whether their reference points are prime numbers or composite numbers.
        A prime number pp satisfies the following condition
        p is prime   ⟺  ∀n∈N,1<n<p,p |∀n∈N,1<n<p,p∤n


Through these structures, the work explores the fusion of mathematical principles and visual aesthetics, embodying the concept of "unending"structures and continuous extension.

