中嶋浩子/Hiroko Nakajima




’The space is an incomplete continuum that comprises an entireworld, which will continue on into the future, and is also a fragment of thisunending world.’


不完全な連続体 : The science of patterns 












近年制作した連続する作品は、均一に続いていくのではなく、連続性の中に「ズレ、変則、欠如」を感覚的に取り込み、連続した模様を平面や空間に視覚表現として展開していくことで、この世界の中で起こる不完全な連続性を重ねています。これをわたしは「CONTINUUM |連続体」として提示しています。




Incomplete Continuum : The science of patterns


We exist (in a space) within the continuous stream of time andphenomena. This state enables a point to become a line, a plane, and a space,and also allows for the creation of a world that transcends dimension,continuing infinitely. 


“Why is the sky blue?”

 As someone living in this world, I often found myselfconsidering vague questions about the things I saw. For example, what exactlywere things like “atmosphere” and “state,” which lay beyond the realm ofscientific explanation? While continuing to consider these things, I happenedto encounter mathematics in Germany, and through my relationship with amathematician, I was able to find answers for these questions that I had longpondered.


The universe and the earth are made up of microscopic geometricalconstructions that are invisible to the eye. These things are visiblymanifested by constantly occurring natural phenomena. They consist of numerouspatterns within countless orders. My realization that mathematics elucidatedthese things was supported by concepts such as “sets,” “differential geometry,”and “group theory.” 


From that point on, the notion that geometric structures andcontinuous properties dwelled behind natural phenomena and invisible systemsbecame the fundamental theme of my work. At the same time, mutations and errorsgive rise to unpredictable new substances, which are both destroyed andcontinually change shape. 


Geometric patterns are often expressed through the theory oftessellation (or seamless vector patterns). These are widely known from therunning patterns of symmetrical shapes found in places such as the inner wallsof the Alhambra. My works, however, are not merely expressions of geometricpatterns that conform to a given system, but rather what might be described asvisual expressions that sensually capture mathematical concepts. 


My recent series of works intuitively incorporates disparities,irregularities, and deficiencies contained in a continuum rather thancontinuing in a uniform manner. By developing running patterns as visualexpressions in a plane or space, I set out to emphasize the incompletecontinuums that occur in the world.


My conception of this asymmetrical sensibility, characterized bydisparities, irregularities, and deficiencies, is based on the idea thatsomething incomplete leads to something new. I arrived at this view beforebecoming familiar with the traditional Japanese aesthetic, “Continuance lies innothing so much as imperfect form,” which I came across in the 82nd chapter ofTsurezuregusa (Essays in Idleness). The book describes the “incompleteaesthetic,” and explains how the concept is an established part of culture,history, and architecture. As symmetry was widely seen as a perfect geometricrealm in Europe, it emerged as a distinguishing feature in art, conveying astronger sense of reality.


I have used the Hilbert curve, a mathematical space-filling curve,as a motif. This continuum theory holds that by extending a bendable line withmoving points, it is possible to fill in a plane or space. I hope that you willimagine an invisible world and experience the entire exhibition space as youtrace the lines and colors. 


The space is an incomplete continuum that comprises an entireworld, which will continue on into the future, and is also a fragment of thisunending world.



中嶋浩子/Hiroko Nakajima
© Ken KATO

1981年東京都生まれ。武蔵野美術大学テキスタイル専攻科で連続模様の面白さに出会い、ドイツ、ゲッティンゲン大学数理研究科にて「見えない部分を構成するもの」を概念数学の世界に見たことで、連続模様(パターン)の背景にある数学的なシステムに魅了され制作を続けている。幾何学的形態や文字をシンボル化し、連続的な規則性の中に「間」や「ズレ」を直感的に加え独自に「CONTINUUM」として表現している。テキスタイルのみならず、インスタレーション、平面、立体作品のアートワークから、デザイン、建築プロジェクト等様々なメディウムでの作品制作に取り組み、領域を横断して「連続する世界」を展開している。近年の展覧会に「CONTINUUM| この世界を構成するもの」(2021年 ポーラ美術館 アトリウムギャラリー)がある。


Born in Tokyo in 1981. After becoming interested incontinuous patterns when studying textiles at Musashino Art University, anddiscovering “what constitutes the invisible” through conceptual mathematicswhile at the Georg August University of Göttingen Mathematisches Institut inGermany, her art has been consistently inspired by an unwavering fascinationwith the mathematical systems behind continuous patterns. She transformsgeometric forms and textual characters into symbols, intuitively adding “spaces”and “displacements” to form continuous regularities and create uniqueexpressions of a “continuum.” As well as textiles, she has utilized a varietyof other mediums to develop “worlds of continuity” that cut across theboundaries between different fields, including installations, two-dimensionaland three-dimensional artworks, and even design and architectural projects. Herrecent exhibitions include “CONTINUUM|The constitutive elements of the world”(Atrium Gallery, POLA Museum of Art, 2021). 

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